Time Slot Converter

Appointment Slots Plan. Multiple Time Zone Conversion. Main Timezones List. Unit Conversions. Time Converter among Different Time Zones. TO: Select Time Zone Converter. This time span will be between 7:00 am and 11:00 pm IST time. Quickly and easily compare or convert London time to IST time, or the other way around, with the help of this time converter. Below, you can see the complete table of the conversions between London and IST.

Worldwide Time Zone & Date Converter

Using our time zone converter tool you can find the time difference between your selected cities with our world time converter. Just input any date, past, present or in the future. All the time zones around the world together represent twenty-four hours. In reality, though, a time zone is a region of the Earth that has the same time. Therefore, the world is theoretically divided into twenty-four 15 degree longitudinal sections that serve as time zones. The time zone converter tool will then give you accurate results taking daylight saving time amendments into account. Not all areas that have the same time fall exactly within the fifteen-degree slot. Time zones are usually adjusted in accordance with the boundaries of countries and/or their subdivisions because of the convenience of areas in close proximity or commercial dealings having the same time. Transportation is another factor too that affects the time a country or region will have.

The primary purpose of time zones around the world is to facilitate transportation and communication. A standard timekeeping system was needed to facilitate accurate legal and commercial dealings. Early use of time zones was confusing, as different stations along a single railroad could have had different standard times, therefore, confusing passengers and even railway staff. The transportation sector sought to address that with the introduction of standard time zones for their purposes, which was partially successful. However, in 1883, the United States began to use four standard time zones and in 1884 Britain sought to gain international acceptance for time zones around the world.

Scientists created thetime zone map by studying how the Earth moves. After realizing that it spins on an axis, it was noted that the Earth spins about 15 degrees every 60 minutes. It makes a total rotation of 360 degrees in 24 hours. Consequently, the time zone map was created by separating the Earth into 24 sections, with each section representing a time zone. They are 15 degrees of longitude wide.

Time Slot Converter

Because of the spherical shape of the Earth, the time zones are not the same distance apart. They are the widest near the equator and zero at the North and South poles. The imaginary beginning of the time zone map is in Greenwich, a suburb in London. If you’re looking at the time zone map, every 15 degree increment West of Greenwich goes back an hour. And every increment 15 degrees East of Greenwich goes forward an hour.

But why is this important? Having 24 different time zones on Earth means that wherever in the world you are, noon is the middle of the day when the sun is the highest while midnight is the middle of the night. But those times will not occur simultaneously in all parts of the world. Let’s say, for example, that you live in London. When you’re waking up to get ready for work in London, your friends in Auckland will just be finishing dinner and getting ready to call it a night. Just as the sun is setting in London, it will be rising over your friends in Auckland.

You can use the time zone converter tool to find out what time it is where your friends and family might live. It will help you make practical and necessary adjustments to certain communication actions, such as making a phone call, for example! The time zone converter tool can also be used to help you predict how the time will change before transportation and travel.

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All the real world quantities are analog in nature. We can represent these quantities electrically as analog signals. An analog signal is a time varying signal that has any number of values (variations) for a given time slot.

In contrast to this, a digital signal varies suddenly from one level to another level and will have only finite number of values (variations) for a given time slot.

This chapter discusses about the types of data converters and their specifications.

Types of Data Converters

The electronic circuits, which can be operated with analog signals are called as analog circuits. Similarly, the electronic circuits, which can be operated with digital signals are called as digital circuits. A data converter is an electronic circuit that converts data of one form to another.

There are two types of data converters

  • Analog to Digital Converter
  • Digital to Analog Converter

If we want to connect the output of an analog circuit as an input of a digital circuit, then we have to place an interfacing circuit between them. This interfacing circuit that converts the analog signal into digital signal is called as Analog to Digital Converter.

Similarly, if we want to connect the output of a digital circuit as an input of an analog circuit, then we have to place an interfacing circuit between them. This interfacing circuit that converts the digital signal into an analog signal is called as Digital to Analog Converter.

Note that some Analog to Digital Converters may require Digital to Analog Converter as an internal block for their operation.


The following are the specifications that are related to data conversions −

  • Resolution
  • Conversion Time


Resolution is the minimum amount of change needed in an analog input voltage for it to be represented in binary (digital) output. It depends on the number of bits that are used in the digital output.

Time Slot Converter Free

Mathematically, resolution can be represented as


where, ‘N’ is the number of bits that are present in the digital output.

From the above formula, we can observe that there exists an inverse relationship between the resolution and number of bits. Therefore, resolution decreases as the number of bits increases and vice-versa.

Resolution can also be defined as the ratio of maximum analog input voltage that can be represented in binary and the equivalent binary number.

Mathematically, resolution can be represented as



$V_{FS}$ is the full scale input voltage or maximum analog input voltage,

‘N’ is the number of bits that are present in the digital output.

Conversion Time

The amount of time required for a data converter in order to convert the data (information) of one form into its equivalent data in other form is called as conversion time. Since we have two types of data converters, there are two types of conversion times as follows

  • Analog to Digital Conversion time
  • Digital to Analog Conversion time

The amount of time required for an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) to convert the analog input voltage into its equivalent binary (digital) output is called as Analog to Digital conversion time. It depends on the number of bits that are used in the digital output.

Time Slot Converter Software

The amount of time required for a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) to convert the binary (digital) input into its equivalent analog output voltage is called as Digital to Analog conversion time. It depends on the number of bits that are present in the binary (digital) input.